Section outline

  •   Support and enhance processes that allow tutors and students to realise their capacity to improve their teaching and learning experience.

    *tutor presence on the online component of blended learning.

    *improve the social presence and collaboration (student/student and student/tutor) in our online component .This allows our students to feel personally connected with other students and their tutors. The online component should be an extension of the f2f component in a social constructivist way (enhancing students’ capabilities through tutor guidance and collaboration with peers) - I don’t know how much can be done through our forums???.


    More activities that allow students to use chats and share their own opinions  (Student/student) interactions and students/ tutor interactions.

    Embed activities that encourage students to discus key learning concepts in the discussion forums.

    Group projects that allow students to work collaboratively in groups on their own group forum e.g. blogs, wikis.

    • Wiki icon
      The importance of Student/ student interactions. Wiki
      Not available unless: You belong to any group