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Note that that only the tutor can start new discussions within this forum, however you can reply to the messages.
General discussion forum

This forum is for any questions or comments you have. It is also a great place to share anything that you think will be of interest.
Note, that It is shared with the whole group, so anyone can start a new discussion or respond to messages. If you have a private message for the tutor then it is best to use email or phone.


Learning forums

Section Forum Description Discussions
adding colourful labels into Moodle Communication - Workplace assessment

Topic Forum: Communication - Workplace assessment

As part of the Workplace assessment your employee will assess you on Applying communication skills; Outcome 2.

This is a fantastic opportunity to think about when you have demonstrated these skills in the workplace and share these experiences with others who may feel stuck for ideas. 

Click on the 'Add a new topic' below and type in your answers to the following:
  • Give an example of using effective communication in your workplace.
  • What was the positive outcome for the customer?
  • Name three specific skills you have learnt in this course that you used in this situation.
Read other posts and make an encouraging comment on one other post.  Support each other!
customer care Unhappy Customers - Forum

Topic forum: Unhappy Customers

Click on the 'Add a new topic' below and type in your answers to the following:

Identify a  situation you have witnessed then complete a minimum of two questions below.
Select and complete a minimum of two questions below.
  • Where should you talk to the upset customer?
  • What do you do if you don’t have the authority to resolve the situation?
  • How would you turn the complaint into a compliment?
Then copy, complete and upload the table below.

Using Professional Language




1              “He’s still out to lunch.”


2              “She’s not here.  Why don’t you call back later.”


3              “You have to call Mr Lee about that.”


4              “I’ll have her call you.”


5              “I’m sorry you had to wait.”


6              “I’ll call you back as soon as possible.”


7              “What is your complaint?”


8              “Yeah, I’ll have someone send that to you.”


Pre-record a voice-over PowerPoint Safe Work Practices - Forum

Click on the 'Add a new topic' button below and type in your answers to the following:  

You are a newly appointed retail sales manager for a busy service station.

You have had many years of experience working as a retail sales assistant and you are concerned there are no procedures in place to support/protect the staff should a security problem occur.

Being open all night is also a concern for yourself and the other staff on duty during those times as you often have to work at night.

  1. Open the file How to Implement Safe Workplace Practices ACC. Navigate to page 111/112 and read through the sections on Robbery and Aggressive or Threatening Situations.
  2. Decide on some procedures for staff to follow should a robbery occur or someone is aggressive toward them or they are threatened while at work.
Active listening Poor listener - Forum

Click on the 'Add a new topic' below and type in your answers to the following:

Choose ONE type of listeners that you encounter most and suggest strategies to counter the bahaviour.

Read and feel free to reply to another student's post.

Learning outcomes Difficult person - Forum

Click on the 'Add a new topic' below and type in your answers to the following: 

Choose ONE scenario and answer the following questions:

  1. Type of difficult person
  2. Response
You sit at the enquiry desk of an insurance company. Martha comes striding up to your desk, her face red. She bangs her fist on the table and shouts “I am sick of this company! I’ve had enough!” She then proceeds to dump a pile of shredded paper out of a large bag on the floor and says “You say you need the paperwork – well here it is!”
You work in a car repair garage and a customer has called you about an account. You go through each item on the account to explain how the bill is made up, but during the conversation the customer interrupts constantly with words like:
  • Listen, don’t try to trick me. I used to be an accountant.
  • I know that you people are out to get me and my money.
  • Look, you can’t fool me about the cost of spare parts. You’ve added at least 500% to the cost.
  • All ...