Socrative - Smart Student Response System

Socrative - Smart Student Response System

by Belma Gaukrodger -
Number of replies: 4

 Any keen users to trial this app? (Works from any mobile device, connected to wi-fi)



In reply to Belma Gaukrodger

Re: Socrative - Smart Student Response System

by Belma Gaukrodger -

Well, without calling another (official) iPad User Group Meeting, how about I give a quick demo of the tool to a group of keen iPadders?

So, if, say 3 or more people respond to this forum post, showing interest, then I'll go ahead and book a venue, at a reasonable time slot.

What say you iPadders?


iPad therefore I am



Sure, sounds great.  How do I/ we get started?


Sent from my iPad

On 10/09/2012, at 11:10 AM, "Belma Gaukrodger" <> wrote:

iPads4Learning » Forums » Recommended apps, uses & articles on iPads in education » Socrative - Smart Student Response System

Socrative - Smart Student Response System

by Belma Gaukrodger - Monday, 10 September 2012, 10:55 AM


 Any keen users to trial this app? (Works from any mobile device, connected to wi-fi)




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In reply to Belma Gaukrodger

Re: Socrative - Smart Student Response System

by Doug Stenhouse -

Hi all

I created a small review test for my Sound Production class this morning and used Socrative in "Teacher-Paced" mode. The students answered 5 questions on my quiz "Audio File Formats". Overall, the students rated Socrative "good - more fun than paper". However, one student suggested that it would be nice to be able to go back and redo a question, but they couldn't.

My own thoughts...

  1. At the end of the activity (quiz, etc.), having an excel spreadsheet emailed instantly to your NMIT email address of students' responses/answers was good.
  2. "Teacher-paced" quiz - best for in-class/real-time learning/testing.
  3. "Student-paced" quiz - best for review of learning from previous week/session.
  4. Very easy to set up and use
  5. Limited scope/range of assessment methods

That's it for now. I'll give it another go soon!

Cheers, Doug. smile


In reply to Doug Stenhouse

Re: Socrative - Smart Student Response System

by Belma Gaukrodger -

Cheers Doug! Chocolate fish is on its way...Likely to look like this:

The non-app app (!) may not be so good for summative exams, but looks like a quick revision, with short questions is enough to energise the class. Sounds really feasible! Good to create a change of pace/activity even a method wink

As for being able to re-do a question - would it be a good idea to re-set the test (as a teacher) and tell the students they'll have 2 chances to respond? (I personally freak out at exams under set time and just freeze!)


In reply to Belma Gaukrodger

Re: Socrative - Smart Student Response System

by Carole Crawford -

The app was fine.  I'll have a play out of office hours tonight.  Carole smile