Flash Cards and Glossaries

Flash Cards and Glossaries

by Bruno Lemke -
Number of replies: 0

If your course is into recall assessments, then Quizlet.com is a great web site.  The App that goes with it is called "A+ Flashcards Pro", but I think other apps link with Quizlet too.

This is how I use it:

We start a new topic and I either get a volunteer to read through the powerpoint (which are already on-line).  They then type out all the words in the powerpoint that they don't know and that they think other students in the class won't know.  This becomes the glossary for that topic (see Literacy/Numeracy imbedding suggestions).  I designate all the words the student supplies H M or L.  These mean H = high priority must know words, Medium priority words and L = low priority words that are nice to know but not essential.  I may add one or two words the student may have missed.

I put this into a Word document table with three columns: the word, the importance and the meaning.  They fill out the meaning themselves.

I then ask one of the students to email me their completed list.  I convert that to a simple format: "word - comma - meaning - enter"

for each word and definition.  This imports directly into Quizlet which automaticly sets up flash cards.  Besides flashcards Quizlet can automatically set up a spelling test, a multichoice test (which isn't that good) and a matching activity.  It also pronounces your words (and definitions).   It can also convert your words into different languages so you can use it for language classes.

Registration is completely free.

If you want to get onto my site and look at it and play with it then follow these instructions which I give to my students.  Note this is a site my students are currently using so don't leave too much test junk behind.

"Go to http://quizlet.com

Sign up - you only have to do this once and its free.

Login after you have signed up and confirmed your email

Go to the tab "My Friends & Groups"

In the search box, search for "brunosAS501"

Click on it to join. The password is "labs"

The quizset called "Microbiology" should then be ready to use.

There are a number of different modes of learning, try them out. With the flash cards, make sure you turn the answers off.

The flash cards work really well with IPad with the A+ app (see above).  this app allows you to put each flashcard into "know" and "don't know" bins.

Feel free to add your own quizzes. I will endeavour to check them as soon as they are on line.

If you have already typed up the previous glossary answers, email them to me and I will import them ingo Quizlet for you so everyone can use them.

Have fun learning,
