Notes from March 2012 meeting

iPad user group meeting 21 March [edit]

Mark reiterated that there is a reporting requirement for getting the $300 discount for iPads. Exact nature of reporting process still to be clarified by Martin. But keep running record of how using what works, what doesn't etc. Bruno suggested we collectively create a collated report and he will check if this is appropriate with Martin. Still good to report what has worked or not in the iPad Moodle forums so others can learn.

Quick demos from Bruno:

  • Used apple adaptor to share iPad screen (adaptors $50). AppleTV option still on ITS todo list for 10 classrooms.
  • Sends ppt to drop box (file sharing app) whichs means ppt is available on iPad, so he can run ppt couple screens ahead on iPad while using classroom pc for what students see Bruno, A+ Pro is an app for quiz let website, takes word list and definitions and creates flash card questions students can do on website. Post address on website Drug check database app, check in class in response to question. Similar databases on other topics as free apps like Barrera etc, Two commendations for its about improving infrastructure. Wireless access and iPad good for apps and direct access to aplus+. Demo’d APlus+ use for attendance.

Charmaine Gallagher demo

  • photos, lots of photos for teaching, field trips, take pic of notice or whiteboards, students could use for evidence too. Can use iTunes sync to get photos onto pc and then burn onto discs or can share securely using online photo sharing services
  • Students play fish games when teacher getting ready or working with other groups etc
  • Students find or research for stuff in class while teacher doing other things.

David Sturrock mentioned BYOD (bring your own device) - all local secondary schools have or are establishing wireless networks AND allowing students to bring their own devices into school/classes. Our iPad work is a critical forerunner to how we can expect students to be making use of their own digital devices within our classes.

Bruno had a question about policies for people taking photos pics of teachers teaching etc. General discussion about “get used to being in the public eye and big brother” and that there are good and bad aspects to it. Suggest make it clear to students what your expectations are, but best to be as open as possible. Good example given was John Inglis student replaying video they had taken of previous class and asking for clarification.

David Sturrock mentioned process for proposing a project/use for class set of 5 iPads available from FLiT. More details to be made available next week.

Mark Caukill encouraged people to use iPad Moodle site and also demo’d screen capture on iPad ( iTunes app cards awarded for those that contributed.

The following people will receive a $20 iTunes voucher for helping with our community:

  • For presenting in our meetings:
    • Clare Atkins
    • Beth Mills
    • Craig Agnew
    • Sandra Dyke
    • Bruno Lemke
    • Charmaine Gallagher
  • For fixing a ‘howto’ post on the iPads4Learners site:
    • Raewyn Heta

Jackie from Gen-i demonstrated:

  • Top tips for iPads and apps tart
  • Discovr new apps can search and find related apps, mind map
  • Jot not scan app cost $1

David Sturrock mentioned AppStart free interactive tutorial app on how to use iPad.