iOS7 Blues

iOS7 Blues

by Belma Gaukrodger -
Number of replies: 1

I'm still trying to get my head around iOS7...

I tend to open a lot of apps. In the previous version, I knew how to close them on the iPad.

I have no idea how to do it in iOS7 & can't figure it out sad

Anyone got any suggestions? Is iOS loosing its intuitiveness or ist it just me?

Thank you in advance!


In reply to Belma Gaukrodger

Re: iOS7 Blues

by Belma Gaukrodger -

Phew! It's just me - not iOS!!!

Here's the response from Mark Caukill:

"Double click the button then your open apps are displayed. Just flick them up off the top of the screen. Done!


Sent from my iThing..."

Thanks Mark! cool