iPad Users Group Meeting 26th Sept - Nursing Students on Cloud 9

iPad Users Group Meeting 26th Sept - Nursing Students on Cloud 9

by Belma Gaukrodger -
Number of replies: 0

Thursday 26th September 2013





Nursing Students on Cloud 9: Engaging students in their assessments

Paper accepted for presentation at the National Tertiary Learning & Teaching Conference in Invercargill on 2-4 October 2013.


In this paper we provide an overview of a student-focused initiative - to engage first year nursing students to reflect on their communication skills, using iPads and web-based tools as part of their Summative Assessment. The paper will report on how and why the Nursing Academic Staff embraced the use of iPads to record simulated student – client interviews at a regional Polytechnic.

Overall response from the learners and the lecturers were positive. The students were able to take ownership of their recordings, to a certain extent, and access them in their own time to write up their own reflections as part of their final assessment requirement. This blended approach also helped the lecturers reduce their heavy workload of marking up to 60 nursing students’ assessment, as well as providing the means for moderators from the collaborating Polytechnic to access the recordings if and when necessary.

However, issues such as the slow upload internet speed, relatively steep learning curve and the rate of adaption can create barriers to the adoption of this new medium. The authors will also comment on how some of these barriers may be addressed.

Informal feedback from the students and the teachers will be provided, along with conclusions from the authors and suggestions for further development.

by Chris Dunn & Monique Dalziel


Come along and be part of the audience to support your peers.

Refreshments will be provided.

All welcome!