Workshop 5 Moodle Site Open

Workshop 5 Moodle Site Open

by Lynn Bruning -
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Kia Ora Koutou

We are looking forward to seeing you all again. 

The topic for Thursday is Strengths-Based Supervision. The reading on Solution-Orientated Supervision (Lowe & Guy) on Moodle will provide helpful background; if you get a chance to read it before the workshop, it will help inform your thinking. 

Friday is the cultural workshop. In honoring our partnership with Te Tiriti we concentrate on Maori culture in the supervision space. Dion Laing will take the class for the morning session. Please bring a plate of kai to share for morning tea.  In the afternoon Emz Swhass & Loren Scott (a graduate from last year's programme) will spend some time with you talking about their experiences as cultural supervisors, and supervisees. 

Attached is a recent article by Webber-Dreadon about Cultural Supervision in Social Work, if you have time to read it before the Friday workshop.

See you all in class on Thursday

Lynn & Ange