Workshop 3 Moodle site now open

Workshop 3 Moodle site now open

by Lynn Bruning -
Number of replies: 0

Kia Ora 

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 3rd workshop - Thursday 30th & Friday 31st May (9am - 4pm, room T305). The Moodle site is now open.

For Thursday 30th May we will focus on your presentations:

Each of you will be allocated 30 minutes for your presentation and feedback. The details of this process is as follows:

  • Presenter – briefly outline context (not a justification for why the session didn’t go well! More about the challenges and successes and anything we need to know to understand the segment).
  • Presenter - outline the feedback they would like to invite (peers record on their sheet).
  • Presenter - Play 10 mins. recording
  • Presenter - Comments first giving themselves further feedback.
  • Peers offer Feedback.
  • Reflection on what we have each leant for our own practice from this process.

The feedback that you receive should be integrated into your next, and last, assignment for this semester.

On Friday, we will be exploring ethical issues in supervision. Bring to class experiences of ethical issues arising in supervision or with supervisors.

You will find the readings for this course under the 'Readings' tab.

Attached is a a resource on giving and receiving feedback that will be handy to read.

Nga Mihi

Lynn & Ange