Suggestions and reminders for role plays

Suggestions and reminders for role plays

by Lynn Bruning -
Number of replies: 0

Kia Ora Koutou

If you are starting to think or do the recording of a supervision session in preparation for workshop 3 at the end of May, below are some reminders and suggestions:

Review Allyson Davys PowerPoint slides on Moodle in conjunction with the reflective learning model that gives you a structure to incorporate a beginning, middle and end to a session.

If the process of supervision is fairly new, I have some suggestions for the process and some agenda items that should you wish to use for your sessions – all good if you are happy with what you come up with together.

A process for the beginning:    Welcome / Opening 
                                                         Catch up / Check in
                                                         Prioritize an agenda
                                                         Follow up from the previous session 

Some agenda item                      Reflect on work role and responsibilities
suggestions                                   Monitor own ethical and professional boundaries, and safe practice
                                                          Reflect on collegial and interagency relationships
                                                          Brainstorm ideas and strategies for work situations
                                                          Explore ways to work effectively across systems
                                                          Monitor selfcare
                                                          Professional development opportunities
                                                          Time management strategies

Suggestions for endings             Recap the session, celebrate the focused work done
                                                          Set some goals / an action plan
                                                          Set a new date for the next session

Go well, do some planning ie prepare some questions for the reflective learning model.

Rachel and Jan have completed a recording and suggest you have a few items for the agenda. Have some prompts (or the reflective model template ) in front of you.

Support each other.

Nga Mihi
Lynn and Ange