Assignment two writing tips

Assignment two writing tips

by Lynn Bruning -
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Kia Ora Koutou

I hope your week is going well.

Through the Monday drop in zoom sessions, I pick up common questions and concerns the class have grappling with level 8 writing. 

We do appreciate that the marking rubrics can be confusing - you need to really think about what the marker is wanting to read in your writing. 

Moving from a reflective piece from the "I" position to an essay that is asking you to formulate an argument, present evidence to support the points raised in the argument and integrating your own experience (views) without using that "I" statement can be tricky. See my example using the theme of "trust" in the relationship:

Trust is vital in the supervisory relationship. According to.......  (A statement is made and then you would provide why it is vital using the literature to back up your statement).

Trust is broken when...... this can lead to........          (this is where you can add your own experiences without using "I", rather than "I have had an experience where trust was broken...... and this made me feel...... or resulted in me doing.....

In the nursing profession, building effective relationships with patients / colleagues / management can be enhanced......

In the education sector.......

For section 3 of the rubric …. With respect to professional and cultural identity expectations, you can add this for each domain ie trust, power..... or you add "culture" as a whole section. Below gives you an example of how you can frame this:

In the supervision relationship it is not enough for a supervisor to only seek to understand the cultural context of the supervisee (Smith, 2012), they must also be aware of their own cultural milieu and the attitudes and behaviors that stem from that. In the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. For example, a pakeha woman of European descent in Aotearoa New Zealand......

This section is recognizing our cultural and social differences within the supervisory relationship.

I hope these tips may give you more guidance going forward.

Nga Mihi
