eBooks & Evaluation Form

eBooks & Evaluation Form

by Lynn Bruning -
Number of replies: 0

Kia Ora 

I hope you are doing well and engaged with the assignment process. Please contact me if you have any questions or assignment wobbles ie motivation, self doubt etc.

I have added an eBook tab on the home page of Moodle. Have a look under the tab as I have added some new library acquisitions that may be helpful.

Attached is an evaluation form for the first workshop. I had hoped to finish developing this before we got together for the workshop, however, best laid plans...

I would appreciate you making time to fill in the form, either email back to me or bring it to the next workshop - I will leave an envelope on the resource table. Feedback, both validating and constructive is an important aspect of supervision.

Go well everyone!

Ngā Mihi
