CGI506 Python examples

CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -
Number of replies: 10

This thread will have Python Examples

In reply to Todd Cochrane

Re: CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -

Here is an interesting ball bouncing example in Mel , in Maya using the "Expressions" editor,

See here , to show the expresions editor

In reply to Todd Cochrane

Re: CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -

Mayazoo Snake Script !! Let's have a go at this ;-) !

In reply to Todd Cochrane

Re: CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -
Hi Todd,
My apologies for the late reply. I've only just found your email now.
I've attached the snake mesh which I've used in the video tutorials.
Your welcome to use and share this mesh.
I will be making some snake models to put on the MayaZoo site at some stage, but at the moment I am working on a couple of other scripts which I will be uploading soon.
Thanks for your email.
In reply to Todd Cochrane

Re: CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -
In reply to Todd Cochrane

Re: CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -
In reply to Todd Cochrane

Re: CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -
In reply to Todd Cochrane

MakeSpheres CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -

Kia Ora

Here is a script that demonstrates the definition of a Class called Spheres that makes Spheres.

In reply to Todd Cochrane

Importing OBJ files and ... CGI506 Python examples

by Todd Cochrane -

Kia Ora tatou 

Here is script you might consider as a template  for writing a script, that you might use to import , places , render(?) etc, some obj files into Maya, using the cmds library and the Glob ( or is it Blob) library?