NMIT Moodle is a website providing course resources and learning activities for NMIT students. Not all courses at NMIT have materials in NMIT Online – your tutor will direct you to the site as appropriate. The site utilizes the internationally recognized MOODLE Open Source software platform.
To get to NMIT Moodle, go to http://ecampus.nmit.ac.nz/.
NMIT Moodle login for students & staff
All NMIT students and staff must login to NMIT Moodle using your NMIT computer account.
First time users - NMIT computer. If you are visiting this page from an NMIT campus computer you can ignore this page and simply login.
First time users - personal or work computer or device. You must activate your NMIT Computer account before you can login here. Your tutor or programme support team will provide you with your initial username and password or they are provided on your enrolment invoice (details here). You can activate this account on any campus computer or by visiting the activate your NMIT Computer account page.
Note: it is good practice to change your computer passwords regularly - we recommend you choose to change them yourselves via Password Reset Services every third month to ensure your privacy.
If you have any problems contact the ITS Helpdesk
- HelpDesk@nmit.ac.nz or phone 0800 NMIT IT (0800 664848), available 24/7
- Library 'in person' IT ServiceDesk and email (helpdesk@nmit.ac.nz) is 8am-5pm weekdays only.
Please contact your tutor if you cannot access a course area once you have logged in on NMIT Moodle or if you cannot find materials they have told you will be available.