Help pages - Student guide to using NMIT Moodle

Site: NMIT Moodle
Course: NMIT Moodle
Book: Help pages - Student guide to using NMIT Moodle
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Date: Friday, 28 February 2025, 2:53 PM


NMIT Moodle is a website providing course resources and learning activities for NMIT students. Not all courses at NMIT have materials in NMIT Online – your tutor will direct you to the site as appropriate. The site utilizes the internationally recognized MOODLE Open Source software platform.

To get to NMIT Moodle, go to

In this guide you will be introduced to the basics of accessing course resources and activities available in NMIT Moodle.

Minimum browser required on this site: recent Google Chrome, recent Mozilla Firefox, recent Edge, Safari 6, Internet Explorer 9 (IE 10 required for drag and drop of files from outside the browser).


Please contact the ITS Helpdesk if you have any problems using this site:

Please contact your tutor if you cannot access a course area once you have logged in on NMIT Moodle or if you cannot find materials they have told you will be available.

These pages have been adapted from material kindly provided by the Wintec Moodle team and Humboldt State University

This section covers the basics of logging in, updating your personal information and registering on the relevant course sites.

Computer requirements


Students planning to study our online courses or access NMIT Online from home will require access to:

  • A computer capable of running the following software, accessing the internet and playing audio and video files (i.e. has a sound card with speakers or headphones).
  • An Internet connection – while the courses can be accessed via a 56 kbps modem we strongly recommend a broadband connection to take full advantage of video and audio resources provided.
  • An email programme (e.g. Outlook or Thunderbird) or online email account (e.g. Gmail or Hotmail)
  • Minimum browser: Firefox 4, Internet Explorer 8 (IE 10 required for drag and drop of files from outside the browser into Moodle) , Safari 5, Google Chrome 11, Opera 9
  • Media player software for playing common audio and video files either as a standalone software (e.g. Windows media player, iTunes, QuickTime, VLC media player) or plug-ins to your internet browser (e,g, Flash).
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 7 or above) for displaying PDF files.
  • A word processing programme - either Microsoft Word 2000 (or above), Open Office (free), Google Docs (free) or some other equivalent.

Students should also be comfortable with using the computer including, basic file management, email and word processing skills. Access to and familiarity with using a digital camera and uploading pictures would also be an advantage.

The following resources may be useful to guide you through general computing and online study issues.

NMIT Computer support materials

iNeedHelp (

  • provides information on other NMIT computing services as well as resources on a range of general software and internet skills

Library, research and study support

NMIT Learning Support service (

  • Study tip sheets

NMIT Library (

  • Online research resources
  • SearchPath - a tutorial on Library services and research skills
  • Services for distance students

Online study – so what’s involved? (

  • Hints for studying online

NMIT Moodle login for students & staff

All NMIT students and staff must login to NMIT Moodle using your NMIT computer account.

First time users
- NMIT computer. If you are visiting this page from an NMIT campus computer you can ignore this page and simply login.

First time users - personal or work computer or device. You must activate your NMIT Computer account before you can login here. Your tutor or programme support team will provide you with your initial username and password or they are provided on your enrolment invoice (details here). You can activate this account on any campus computer or by visiting the activate your NMIT Computer account page.

it is good practice to change your computer passwords regularly - we recommend you choose to change them yourselves via Password Reset Services every third month to ensure your privacy.

If you have any problems contact the ITS Helpdesk

Please contact your tutor if you cannot access a course area once you have logged in on NMIT Moodle or if you cannot find materials they have told you will be available.

Initial NMIT student account format

Student login example
Name: Jo Bloggs
Student ID: 20049999 (see your student ID card or study invoice)

Username : jo-bloggs

Live@NMIT ID: (this is also your email address)

Password: 20049999Jb (that is: ID number followed by upper case first initial, lower case last initial)

Remember the hyphen between names is important and the password is case sensitive!

NOTE – long names:

Usernames are restricted to a maximum of 20 characters , and any punctuation in names has been removed. (e.g. Simon Foxton-Hummingbird will have a username of Simon-FoxtonHummingb).

You can change your password on any campus computer or via our Password Reset Services page.

If you have any problems contact the ITS Helpdesk

  • or phone 0800 NMIT IT (0800 664 848) or visit the ITS Helpdesk in the Nelson LLC
  • 0800 NMIT IT Available 8am-8pm weekdays AND 2pm-6pm Sunday (Term period only)
  • Library 'in person' IT ServiceDesk and email ( is 8am-5pm weekdays only.

When you change your password it must be in the following format

1. Be at least eight (8) characters in length

2. Have at least one (1) capital letter – ABC …

3. Have at least (one) 1 number 123 …

4. Have at least one (1) lower case letter – abc …

5. Cannot contain spaces or 3 consecutive letters from your user name” e.g. jimmy cannot use jim, mmy, etc.

6. Not be the same password that you have used in the last 24 passwords

Trouble logging in?

Have you activated your NMIT computer account yet? You must either login on an NMIT campus computer OR activate your NMIT computer account before you try to login on NMIT Moodle.

Make sure

  • You include the hyphen in your username/NMIT ID (e.g. jo-bloggs).
  • Check your “Caps Lock” key is not active on your keyboard and that you have entered your initials in the correct case.
  • If you supplied a preferred name in your enrolment forms this has been used for your username (e.g. Elizabeth Smith prefers to be known as Liz Smith. Her username and NMIT ID  is Liz-Smith
  • Usernames are restricted to a maximum of 20 characters, and any punctuation in names has been removed. (e.g. Simon Foxton-Hummingbird will have a username of Simon-FoxtonHummingb).
  • Occasionally other people at NMIT may share you firstname and lastname. In this situation numbers have been added to the usernames to ensure they are unique. You could try adding 2 or 3 on the end of your username (e.g. Jo-Bloggs2)

Nothing works? Please contact the ITS Helpdesk if you have any problems using this site:

Logging in using a personal device

If you are experiencing difficulty logging in from off-campus, some of the following may help: 

  1. Restart your device, and try again.
  2. Try adding "AD\" in front of your username. e.g. AD\jane-student
  3. Use  your NMIT-supplied email address as your username e.g.
  4. Switch to another browser, for example IE or Chrome.
  5. Try deleting temporary internet files (Clear cache) and restart entire browser session or restart your machine.

NMIT Moodle login for special users

Special users are people who aren't students or staff members but have been provided login access to NMIT Moodle for community or project work.

If you have problems logging in, please contact to request a reset of your NMIT Moodle password.

How to find your way around the Learn Moodle site - an introduction to the Moodle user interface and navigation.

Site Home Page

When you first visit NMIT Moodle you will land on the site home page. It contains information to help you get started.

To find your courses Log in by pressing the Log in button.

Screenshot of NMIT Moodle home page showing location of Log in button

For more information about the interface and navigating the site watch the video below. NMIT Moodle looks a bit different than the example used in the video as we have customized it to our own look and feel, however the information presented is the same.

Once you log in to Moodle you will have access to your personal dashboard.

Watch this video for more information. NMIT Moodle looks a bit different to the example shown in the video, however the information is the same.

Click on a course name in the my Courses list or block to enter the course. Your course may look different to the sample below but the general format will be the same.

Course page

Each NMIT Moodle course is divided into parts or topic boxes - the topic names or weeks are usually listed in the course menu at the top left of the course page. Each topic or weekly box will contain instructions, links to documents or web sites and perhaps links to activities such as discussion forums, assignment drop-boxes, quizzes etc. All your courses will look fairly similar, but with different resources, activities, number of topic areas available and perhaps different blocks showing on the left and right sides.

Scroll down the page to view all the available topic boxes and their content. Your tutor may have all the topic boxes visible from the start of your course OR they may only make certain topic boxes visible as they become relevant. NMIT Moodle gives you some clues to the type of resources and activities in each topic(Forum icon) indicates a discussion forum, and the Word document symbol (Word doc) indicates a Word document for you to download. You'll come across other ones too for PDF documents (PDF), web links (Web link) and quizzes (Quiz) etc. Click on the linked text beside the icons to view the documents or follow the links. Some links may open in a new window.

It is possible to focus on one topic box only, and to access the other parts by selecting from a drop down list. To achieve this, click on the squares at the right edge of the topic box you want displayed, as shown below.

Click on the squares at the right edge of the section you want displayed.

This will "collapse" the parts leaving just one in view. The process can be reversed by clicking one of the two squares now displayed at the right of the topic box.

Click on one of the two squares to view all sections.

Looking higher up on this screen, there is a string of links just below the grey navigation menu bar, showing your present location in the course (like the one below)?

The Breadcrumb menu

This is the breadcrumb menu, which is one of the easiest ways of navigating NMIT Moodle. It shows where you've been so you can go back by simply clicking any of its links.

The back buttonIf you use the Internet, you'll be familiar with a "back" button in your web browser. You can use this in NMIT Moodle too, however we recommend using the navigation options within the website and course pages as the safest options, as different browsers behave inconsistently.

By all means try it and see if it works for you.

Send a messageNMIT Moodle supports private messaging between users. Messages are sent via a popup Message window and if both users are online at the same time can operate as a private chat room. If you send a message to someone who isn't online, an email copy is sent to their preferred address.

Sending a message

You can send someone a message in three ways:

  • From their profile page, click on the "Send message" button. You can view someones profile page by clicking on their name where it is linked from a forum post or in the course participants list (click on the Participants link in the course menu or people block).
  • Click the "Messages" link in the Messages block on the "My Courses" page. Then click on the Search tab to search for the person, if appropriate checking the box "Only in my courses", then click on their name.
  • Alternatively, if the person is listed in an Online Users block on your course, simply click on the "Add/send message" envelope opposite their name.
In all cases, once the message box appears simply type your message and click "Send message". If you expect a quick reply, leave the message box showing and their reply will appear below your original message.

Messaging contacts

Reading and replying to messages

When you are sent a message, the Messages window will pop-up. Also, the Messages block will display the name of the person sending the message with a link to read the message. If you have set the email option (see Message Settings below), then you will get a copy of the message in your email after the time you have specified if you are not logged in.

After reading a message, you may type a reply then click on the "Send message" button.

Managing contacts

People may be added to your list of contacts (or blocked from contacting you) by clicking the "Add contact" (or "Block contact") icon opposite their name in the Messages window. By default the contact list is empty. In order to send a message or to create a shortcut to the person you are sending, go to the Search tab.

Message history

A record of messages sent to/from a person may obtained by clicking the "History" icon opposite their name in the Messages window.

Messaging settingsSearching messages

In addition to searching for people, the Search tab in the Messages window provides the option to search for keywords, only messages to or from you, and to include in the search people you have previously blocked from contacting you.

Message settings

Message settings may be changed via the Settings tab in the Messages window.

Here you can decide on having a popup Message window whenever you get a new message, blocking messages from people who are not on your Contacts list, having an audio signal for a new message, using a HTML editor, or getting email messages when you are offline.

Note: It's possible to set a different email address for receiving copies of messages to the email address in your profile.

The course calendar highlights dates related to activities within the course. These dates may be the opening, closing or due dates of an activity.

When you move your mouse over the highlighted date the activity it is related to will appear.

Click on the activity to view the full description.

Click again on the activity title to navigate to it.

To view the full calendar with titles shown click on the month name.

How to use the calendar - video

To Add your own user event click the 'New Event' button.

  1. Name your event and provide a description.

  2. Change the Date if required as the default is the current date, the Time is optional

  3. You are able to specify a Duration and/or Repeats for your event

The text editor in NMIT Moodle shows up whenever you are asked to submit substantive text within NMIT Moodle. Examples include the Description box in your personal profile, when you are adding a forum message or a glossary entry, using a wiki etc. The editor allows you to format your text using standard word processor tools. The editor enables you to do things like add pictures, link to web site, add color and formatting to your messages, spell check your messages, undo and redo, change your fonts, etc.

The editor runs on Windows on Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 2+. For Macintosh it runs on Firefox but NOT the Safari browser.

Below is a screen shot of the editor showing some of the common commands. Simply type your text, select the section you want to format and click the appropriate icon on the editor tool bar.

Inserting images is a little more complex than if you are using Microsoft Word, see the separate Adding images to NMIT Moodle page for more detail.

the editor

If you know HTML you can click on the edit source button (<>) and paste code right into the editor. Be careful however as you cannot include the head tag or style sheets. All CSS must be inline.

If you do not see the editor, it may be that your browser does not support it or that your Profile settings have the editor option disabled.

Using emoticons

Emoticons can be used to convey the non-verbal tone, expression or intent of a comment. The text editor has a smile image on the toolbar that allows you to insert an emoticon into your forum posts or other places where the text editor appears. In chat sessions you can use the keyboard characters to convey the same emoticons - see table below.

Note: when using keyboard characters there should not be any spaces between characters.

smile smile : -)
big grin big grin : -D
wink wink ; -)
mixed mixed : -/
thoughtful thoughtful V -.
tongueout tongueout : -P
cool cool B -)
approve approve ^ -)
wide eyes wide eyes 8 -)
surprise surprise 8 -o
sad sad : -(
shy shy 8 -.
blush blush : -I
kiss kiss : -X
clown clown : o)
black eye black eye P -|
angry angry 8 -[
dead dead xx -P
sleepy sleepy | -.
evil evil } -]

For more general tips for studying online see the separate pages: Online study - so what's involved?

Some of courses may ask you to share images of your own work or other pictures to share with your peers. NMIT Moodle supports sharing pictures (and other files) in a number of ways:

  1. Uploading or attaching a picture file from your computer - you can attach files to messages posted in forums, glossaries and wiki's or add pictures to a gallery within your course
  2. Inserting a picture from the internet - you can embed a picture located elsewhere on the internet within your own message or wiki page. In fact this method works anywhere you have access to the "Insert Image" tool in the standard text editor (Insert image).

Note: Whichever way you choose to post images within NMIT Moodle, for copyright purposes you should include appropriate references for the website you are taking the picture from.

Uploading or attaching a picture file from your computer

Add entryIn a forum or glossary, you will see an Attachment option below the box where you type your message. In a photo gallery there will be an option to add your own entry by clicking on the "Add entry" tab.

In both cases, click on the Browse button. Find where the file is located on your computer and select it.
BrowseOnce you have filled in all the boxes click on the "Post to forum" or equivalent save button to save your entry. Your information will be saved on NMIT Moodle, including a copy of your picture. Check it is all correct and you can use the edit option to change it if required.

If you uploaded a picture within a picture gallery, NMIT Online will automatically create a small version of it (thumbnail) to display in the list view.
Editing picture files
Picture files can be large in terms of their dimensions (800 x 600) and their file size (1.5 MB) depending on the camera settings and how you have saved them on your computer. We recommend images are kept to the following standards to ensure they display correctly on Moodle:
  • Maximum dimensions of 640 x 480 pixels
  • File formats: jpg, gif or png
  • File size: less than 150 kb if possible.
You may have your own software you can use to resize images (e.g. Picasa, Paint.Net, IrfanView) or others. NMIT provides the Microsoft Picture Manager software on all our computers.

Picture manager editUsing Picture Manager to resize an image
  • Use Windows Explorer to find your picture file
  • Right Click on it and select "Open with... Microsoft Office Picture Manager" from your context menu.
  • Picture manager will open and show the selected picture
  • Click on the Edit Pictures option on the Toolbar - an editting option pane will show on the right of screen
  • Picture manager resizClick on the "Resize" option
  • Select the picture size you want from the "predefined width x height" option or make a custom selection (web large or web small are good starting points).
  • Click OK - the picture will change size
  • Choose File --> Save As... to save the new version of the picture, giving it new file name to distinguish it from your original
  • You are now ready to upload the smaller picture into NMIT Online.

Inserting an image from the internet - copy/paste URL (web address)

Insert image dialogThese images must already reside on the internet (e.g. be elsewhere within NMIT Moodle or be on a different website e.g. Flickr, Wikipedia etc).

You must have two tabs (or windows) open in Internet Explorer (or your alternative browser). One showing the NMIT Moodle page you are editing, the other showing the web site that contains the picture you want to embed.

  1. Right click on the image you want to embed
  2. Left click on the Properties option (usually at the bottom)
  3. Highlight the Address (URL) text - usually looks something like
  4. Copy the text (right click -> copy or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C)
  5. Go to your NMIT Moodle page and click the cursor where you want your picture to be inserted
  6. Click on the "Insert image" icon in the editor toolbar (a dialog box will pop up)
  7. Paste the image address into the Image URL box (right click paste or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V)
  8. Type short descriptive text in the "Alternative text" box
  9. Select alignment, border and spacing options to suit and then click "OK"
  10. You image should appear in the text editor within a few seconds.
  11. You can do some resizing using the handles in the corners of the picture, then click the Save changes or Post to Forum button.

Your picture should now show within your saved page.

Office 365 ProPlus for Students

Microsoft Office Applications

NMIT students can install Microsoft Office ProPlus programs on up to five personally owned devices.  Different Microsoft Office applications are installed, depending on the type of device.


There are two versions of Desktop Office to choose from:

  • Office 2013 – latest version but only for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1
  • Office 2010 – older version for Windows XP SP3 or Vista (no mobile apps)

To view the instructions on how to install Office365 Click here

Forums (Forum icon) are ways for students to hold discussions online and act like a virtual message board.

Each course contains at least one forum for course news and announcements (the exact name can vary). This forum is used by the tutor to broadcast course news to all students and every student will receive email copies of messages posted within it.

Other forums may also be available within a course at the discretion of the tutor and are good places to post questions and comments, share ideas etc.

Click on the forum’s name to view a description of the forums purpose and a list of the Discussion topics. The topics are listed from latest to oldest. Click the discussion topic's title to view and participate in the discussion. If you click on the persons name you will see their profile page, not their forum message.

Forum info

The discussion and all replies are listed from oldest to newest. Click the Reply link on the appropriate discussion to post your ideas or comments (the link is at the bottom right corner of the message.

Forum reply

Type your message in the text entry box. Click 'Post to forum ' to finish. Your message will be indented underneath the one you replied to and will be visible to everyone else with access to the forum (class mates). You have 15 minutes to edit your entry, after which edit rights disappear and email copies are sent to anyone subscribed to the forum.

Forum reply post
Forum reply post 2
Subscription means that you are automatically emailed when someone posts a message. [Click to see more details on managing your email subscription options]

You may also attach a document or picture file to your forum message if you wish by clicking 'Browse' to upload a file before posting your message to the forum. File size limits may apply for attachements (e.g. maximum file size of 1 MB for an attachment).

If you want to change your attachment after you have posted your message, follow these steps (within 15 minutes of making your original posting):

  • Click on Edit at the bottom of the page
  • Scroll down to the attachment box. You will notice that this box is blank. This does not mean there is no attachment on your message!
  • Click browse. Choose your new attachment file.
  • Click Post to Forum - this will replace your old attachment.

Note: Remember, only post information on what the forum is about. You only have 15 minutes to edit your entry.

Starting your own discussion topic

Click 'Add a new discussion topic…' to begin a new discussion - you may not be able to do this depending on how the tutor has set up the forum. Make sure your subject line explains the topic well. Follow the instructions.

Layout options for forums

Forum thread display

You have several options for displaying topics or discussion threads on the forums. There is a drop-down menu at the top of each topic. Experiment with these options to find the format that you find easiest to use.


It wouldn't be fair if we didn't admit that things occasionally go wrong while using the discussion forums. When working on a message over a long period there is the risk of it "disappearing" should, for example, the NMIT Online session time out or a dial-up connection drop out.Also, there is no "auto-save" feature, so if you move away from the reply page (e.g. click on a link) you will lose all your typing.

Noting the following tips for writing and saving discussion forum messages will spare you from these mishaps.

  1. Just before you post your message, select all the text of your message and copy it. If your message fails to save properly you will be able to create a new message and paste you copied text back into it.
  2. If you need to follow a link while you are part way through typing a message, use the "New Tab" feature of your browser to follow the link in a separate tab. Tabs allow you to work on other web pages without affecting your original one.
  3. Good, "safe" practice when creating long forum messages is to put your cutting and pasting skills to work. Write and save the message in a word processor, copy it, then log in to NMIT Online and paste the text into a discussion topic message. Keep formating to a minimum when using a word processor, applying the required formatting after pasting into the NMIT Online text editor.

    This method also saves quite a bit of online time if a you happen to be working via a dial-up connection.

Discussion Forum Communication Protocols

  1. Avoid using all capitals – Internet conventions mean this is the equivalent of shouting or “flaming” someone.
  2. When posting a reply to another student’s discussion posting or chat comment, make sure the ‘golden rule’ applies i.e. don’t post anything you would be unhappy to receive if it were posted to you.
  3. Any issues or problems with the course or with another course member should be notified privately to the tutor by email or phone, not raised in a chat room or posted publicly on a discussion forum –please use email or phone the tutor for emergencies or important course issues only.
  4. Log in to the course regularly (but preferably each working day) just to keep up with what is happening.
  5. Keep to one topic per discussion posting as much as possible, it is better to post several postings on one topic each, rather than one long posting with several topics embedded in it.

An option when using forums is to receive postings via your email address. This provides a number of advantages such as important message posted by the instructor. You have the option of receiving forum postings to your email.

There are three actions you can take to control these e-mails:

  1. You can choose to unsubscribe from a forum
  2. You can go to your NMIT Moodle profile and change your e-mail settings there
  3. Create a rule in your email account to automatically shift course messages into a special folder to view later

1. Unsubscribing from a forum

You can change this before you post your message to the forum, so check the Subscription option before clicking 'Post to forum'.

  • If you choose Send me email copies... you are subscribing to this forum.
  • If you choose I don't want email copies... you are unsubscribing to this forum.

To view which forums you are subscribed to click 'Forum' on the breadcrumbs at the top of the page when viewing a forum.

  • You can then click either the word Yes or the word No to change if you are Subscribed or Unsubscribed to that particular forum.

Note: If your instructor has forced everyone to be subscribed to a forum it will be for a valid reason, such as passing on important information.

  1. You can not Unsubscribe from a forum when the instructor has done this.
  2. The only way to stop receiving emails from these types of forums is to change your User Profile.

2. You can go to your NMIT Moodle profile and change your e-mail settings there

There are a number five options within your User Profile which relate to the email system.

  1. Email display allows you to choose different options to set who can view your email address through your profile.

  2. Email activated allows you to enable or disable your email address.

    • If you enable your email address you will receive emails when subscribed to a forum.
    • If you disable your email address you will not receive emails even if subscribed to a forum.
  1. Email format provides the option of your email address being plain text or HTML - you can leave this as 'Pretty HTML format' which is the default.

  2. Email digest type provides receiving options

    • If No digest (single email per forum post) is set you will receive an email for every single posting to subscribed forums within 30 minutes of the posting.
    • If Complete (daily email with full posts) is set you will receive ONE email with the forum posting details each day.
    • If Subjects (daily email with subjects only) is set you will receive ONE email with the forum subject details each day.
  1. Forum auto-subscribe sets the following default option shown when posting a forum

3. Create a rule in your email client

Create a rule in your email client to automatically shift course messages into a special folder that you can then choose to look at when convenient. Here are instructions on how to do this in Microsoft Outlook - perhaps using the option to move messages to a folder based on having the term "Course Name" in the subject line.

  • Right-click the message you want to base a rule on.
  • Click Create Rule.
  • In the Create Rule dialog box, select the conditions and actions you want to apply.
  • To add more conditions, actions, or exceptions to the rule, click Advanced Options, and then follow the rest of the instructions in the Rules Wizard.
  • To run the rule as soon as you have created it, select the Run this rule now on the messages already in "folder" check box on the last page of the Rules Wizard.


A glossary (Glossary icon) is a list of words defined by you or your instructor. Participants are able to view and comment on all entries. Your instructor may allow you to also add entries.

Viewing the glossary

  1. Click on the glossary name to browse entries.
  2. You have various browsing options. The default is browse by alphabet letter.

Note: You may be able to comment on the glossary entry if the comment icon is showing. Click this icon to add a comment about the entry.

Add a new entry to the glossary

lossary - add entry

Add a new entry to the glossary - video

  1. Click "Add New Entry" to add a new definition
  2. Type the word you are defining or the name/title of your entry in the "Concept" box. What you put in here will show as the title for your entry and may differ according to the purpose of the glossary - your tutor will provide specific instructions.
  3. Write the details of your posting in the "Definitions" field. You can add links within your text and embed pictures from other websites (refer to separate page "Adding images to NMIT Moodle") as well as attaching a file directly to your entry (pictures or documents).
  4. Concept and definition are mandatory fields and your tutor may require you to Select a category and/or add keywords.
  5. Click "Save changes" to submit your entry.

Note: You may or may not be able to add a new entry to the glossary, depending on how the instructor has set up the course. If you can you should remember that everyone can view your entry.

Many tutors are requiring students to submit assignments online. Assignments submitted this way need to be prepared as an electronic file such as a word document, a PowerPoint presentation, an Excel Spreadsheet or other file formats.

Navigate to your course and find the correct assignment "drop-box" in which to submit your assignment.

Click here to download a copy of this file

It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. No biggie... you can click here to download the How to submit assignments on NMIT Online document. provides a service for checking academic work for possible sources of plagiarism. Your tutor will provide details on what they consider plagiarism to be and how to maintain your academic integrity. NMIT has a policy of allowing students to check your Turnitin reports prior to formally submitting your assignments - and it all happens within NMIT Moodle.

Turnitin can only generate reports for the following file formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx); Plain text (.txt); Adobe Acrobat PDF (.pdf); Rich Text Format (.rtf); PostScript (.ps); HTML (.html, htm).

If you use a different word processor (e.g. Microsoft Works, Open or Libre Office, iWork etc.) you should be able to save your assignment in one of these formats and then submit it.

Click here to download a copy of this file

It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. No biggie... you can click here to download the How to submit assignments on NMIT Online document.

NMIT Moodle supports online testing using the Quiz module. You tutor may create different types of tests using the Quiz module, including:

  1. Diagnostic tests or other pre-tests to help establish what you know about the course or topic before starting it. These don't count towards your course mark.
  2. A quiz to help you learn some important aspects of a topic - these may allow you to complete a test multiple times and don't count towards your course mark
  3. Informal quick revision or practice tests to check you have learned a topic or are on track - these may allow you to complete a test multiple times and don't count towards your course mark
  4. Formal term tests or other assessments that do count towards your course mark

Some quizzes or tests (types 1-3 above) may also show you the correct answers as you go and/or allow you to review your full results, including correct or sample answers after you have attempted the quiz. The tutor will choose to enable these options as they feel appropriate.

A quiz can have a variety of question types - multichoice, true/false, fill in a gap, match answers or a short essay. Your tutor will inform you about the type of questions your specific quiz will include.

To participate in a quiz

  1. Click on the quiz name to view the introduction and instructions (look for the Quiz icon - Quiz)

  2. Click 'Attempt quiz now' to begin the quiz

  3. Read each question carefully and click the radio button beside the correct answer to make your choice or type your answer in as appropriate. Check the navigation details below for more information on how to progress through a quiz.

  4. When you have completed the quiz, make sure you click the "Finish and submit all" button on the last page.

Quiz navigation

quiz navigation

Quizzes may have all questions on one page or spread across multiple pages.

There is a Quiz Navigation block at the top left of every page of the test. And a "Next" button at the bottom of every page.

Each time you click the "Next" button or a link in the navigation block, your answers are automatically saved. You are able to "go back" if you wish to change an answer at any time - but don't use your browser's Back button. Clicking on a number in the quiz navigation block will take you to the corresponding page. You can always get to the last page by clicking on the "Finish attempt" link in the navigation block.

Flagging a question adds a red mark to the question number in the navigation block, allowing you to quickly return to the flagged question later.

A quiz can also have a set time limit, and will show a count down clock in the navigation block. In this case - be sure to complete and submit you test within the set time.

warningDon't leave the quiz without submitting your work: If you ever see a warning box appear about leaving the page you must click the "Stay on page" button. Otherwise you run the risk of losing your work.

Viewing your results: Depending on how your tutor has set up the quiz, you may be able to review your results immediately. If not, your tutor will inform you when your results are available.

To view your results, return to the quiz itself as if you were going to take it again. It will immediately show you a summary of your results and (if the tutor has allowed it) show a link to review the details of your attempt, including individual marks for each question and perhaps when you got a question wrong, what the right answer was.

You can see a demonstration video of completing a quiz here

Your quiz may look a little different to this one, but the basic navigation will apply.


NMIT and ePortfolios

myPortfolio web site

NMIT subscribes to the myPortfolio ePortfolio service. myPortfolio is a separate website that provides students and staff with a range of tools to collate a portfolio of learning materials and reflections. Powered by the Mahara Open Source ePortfolio system, a single-sign-on account has been available for both sites. That means staff and students are able to move between NMIT Online and myPortfolio without requiring a second login.

How is myPortfolio different to NMIT Moodle?

myPortfolio is like a private education focussed version of Facebook. On the myPortfolio site, you have a private space that no-one can see until you choose to share it. You can choose exactly what you share and with whom by creating separate views of your work - each view can contain different sets of files, blog posts and other items. You can interact with other people on the site, allowing them to post on your wall (friends), sharing views with each other or creating and joining groups.

Some tutors are using myPortfolio in their courses, having students maintain and share blogs, views and other tasks.

NMIT does not control what you do with your portfolio space, what groups you choose to create or join or who you choose to interact with. However, NMIT policies on conducting your behaviour and use of IT services do still apply.

So who is on it?

All NMIT staff and students have an account on myPortfolio - but you only interact with those you want to smile. The myPortfolio site is also used by staff and students at a number of other NZ polytechnics and universities. So you can also choose to make friends or create interest groups across NZ.

The details

You must login to myPortfolio via NMIT Online using your NMIT account details.

The myPortfolio site has the following features:

  • An online file repository with 1 GB online storage space for each user
  • Blogs
  • Resume builder
  • Ability to build independent web pages based on your files, blogs, resume and other materials
  • Publish these viewable web pages to selected audiences, including allowing both public and private comments
  • Social networking - interact with other users with common interests, form groups and monitor changes to other users web pages.
  • Create group discussion forums.
  • Submit a published web page for assessment by a tutor or teacher, allowing for a snapshot of the webpage and associated items on a certain date.
  • Portfolio's created in myPortfolio can be exported and transferred to another portfolio site. They can also be saved as a collection of web pages you choose to publish again elsewhere.

Download a user guide [PDF] or check out the following video guides are freely available on the home page

  • Login, profile and settings
  • Resumé builder
  • Blogging
  • Uploading resources
  • Creating Views
  • Groups, Forums and Friends