NMIT Moodle is a website providing course resources and learning activities for NMIT students. Not all courses at NMIT have materials in NMIT Online – your tutor will direct you to the site as appropriate. The site utilizes the internationally recognized MOODLE Open Source software platform.
To get to NMIT Moodle, go to http://ecampus.nmit.ac.nz/.
NMIT Moodle supports private messaging between users. Messages are sent via a popup Message window and if both users are online at the same time can operate as a private chat room. If you send a message to someone who isn't online, an email copy is sent to their preferred address.
Sending a message
You can send someone a message in three ways:
- From their profile page, click on the "Send message" button. You can view someones profile page by clicking on their name where it is linked from a forum post or in the course participants list (click on the Participants link in the course menu or people block).
- Click the "Messages" link in the Messages block on the "My Courses" page. Then click on the Search tab to search for the person, if appropriate checking the box "Only in my courses", then click on their name.
- Alternatively, if the person is listed in an Online Users block on your course, simply click on the "Add/send message" envelope opposite their name.
Reading and replying to messages
When you are sent a message, the Messages window will pop-up. Also, the Messages block will display the name of the person sending the message with a link to read the message. If you have set the email option (see Message Settings below), then you will get a copy of the message in your email after the time you have specified if you are not logged in.
After reading a message, you may type a reply then click on the "Send message" button.
Managing contacts
People may be added to your list of contacts (or blocked from contacting you) by clicking the "Add contact" (or "Block contact") icon opposite their name in the Messages window. By default the contact list is empty. In order to send a message or to create a shortcut to the person you are sending, go to the Search tab.Message history
A record of messages sent to/from a person may obtained by clicking the "History" icon opposite their name in the Messages window.
Searching messages
In addition to searching for people, the Search tab in the Messages window provides the option to search for keywords, only messages to or from you, and to include in the search people you have previously blocked from contacting you.
Message settings
Message settings may be changed via the Settings tab in the Messages window.Here you can decide on having a popup Message window whenever you get a new message, blocking messages from people who are not on your Contacts list, having an audio signal for a new message, using a HTML editor, or getting email messages when you are offline.
Note: It's possible to set a different email address for receiving copies of messages to the email address in your profile.