Referencing books
In the previous section you saw how a reference for a book looks, including an in-text citation and a full reference, and where to find publication details. In this section you will
- practice referencing two books
- learn about editions
Practice activity - test your learning
Find the referencing elements - part 1
In the slides below, you have been given the cover page, publication page, and some highlighted content from a page within the book called Reinventing Organizations.
- Use the slides to find the elements needed to complete the "Fill the gap" exercise below. Expand the slides by clicking the arrows
bottom right.
- Refer to a guide from the Referencing Guides tab to help you.
- Use the slides to find the elements needed to complete the "Fill the gap" exercise below. Expand the slides by clicking the arrows
The book above, Reinventing organizations, is a first edition so you do not need to include edition details. The book below is different...
Some books may have been published several times, so they may be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th edition etc. In this case, the book is a 6th edition. For a 2nd edition or higher, you need to include edition details after the title as follows:
Van Peursem, K., Pratt, M., & Cordery, C. (2011). Auditing: Theory and practice in New Zealand (6th ed.). Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson.Note the format is "6th ed." not "sixth edition."
Practice activity - test your learning
Find the reference elements - part 2
In the slides below, you have been given the cover page, publication page, and some highlighted content from a page within a book called The Reflective Journal.
This time you need to create an in-text citation and a full reference yourself.
- Imagine you have used the highlighted sentence on Slide 3 in an essay on 'reflective writing'.
- Open a new Word document and type the sentence as a direct quote, i.e. the exact words from the book (we will look at paraphrasing in a following activity).
- Have a go writing an in-text citation to go alongside the quote (this would sit within the text of your essay).
- Have a go writing a full citation, i.e. the full reference for the book that would be included in your References list at the end of your essay.
- Use a referencing guide and/or refer again to the How to Reference video above to help you.
After completing this activity, compare your answer with the solution below.
You might like to try this exercise again, using a book of your choice.After completing the activity above, compare your answers with those below.
You have now had a go at referencing books, and some practice using a guide. In the next sections you will get the chance to practice referencing other source types, beginning with webpages.
Bassot, B. (2016). The reflective journal (2nd ed.). London, England: Palgrave.
Laloux, F. (2014). Reinventing organizations: A guide to creating organizations inspired by the next stage of human consciousness. Brussels, Belgium: Nelson Parker.
Van Peursem, K., Pratt, M., & Cordery, C. (2011). Auditing: Theory and practice in New Zealand (6th ed.). Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson.