Incorporating modern web standards, accessibility and design, makes the learning environment enjoyable to be in.
A crazy amount of tools to allow tutors to teach and grade in their preferred manner.
Designed for both blended-learning and online delivery.
Including multiple methods of grading.
Tutor to Student and Student to Student
Students are able to upload their assessments from any location and on any device. Submissions can be checked for originality before and after submsission.
The Gradebook provides a simple and streamlined method for grading work. Incorporating a variety of grading and feedback methods. Documents in particular can be directly annotated inline.
The platform provides several ways of communicating online. Students can communicate and collaborate with their peers and tutors through forums, blogs and chat. Tutors are able to cummunicate directly to students through 1-to-1 messaging and course announcements. With all communication automatically forwarded to NMIT email accounts.
From passive activities like embedded videos and slideshows to multi-page quizzes and flash cards, Moodle provides them all!
Try this interactive video from Bachelor of Aquaculture and Marine Conservation.