[Summary of video and any relevant instructions - why are we watching this and any suggestions for what we think/do while/after we watch it? Add video direct to body of this label. If it's on Youtube, just add an active link (see example below). If from another source use the host site embed code. If you have a series of videos that don't need individual guidance notes, either add as a table within this label or create and embed as a playlist, or add as a separate page below this label using either of these options for formatting the page content.]
[Format note: +1 options define how much the label overlaps the items below. 0 has no overlap, +1 overlaps 1 item, +2 overlaps 2 items]. If the video is an external link or an uploaded file(s) below these instructions, you should be using the +1 or +2 options to extend the border overlap of this label]