If you are using research databases, particularly to find articles, you may like to make use of the 'Cite' tool* often available. Below are examples taken from ProQuest database, but many other databases provide the same function.

* as with any automated tool, always double check the reference given. There may be some inaccuracies in the format or details.

Step 1

Look for the 'Cite' function within the database:

ProQuest Cite Tool

Step 2

Check you are on the correct Citation style:

Note, the reference may include a doi number, as in the first example below, or, if a doi is not available, a url, as in  the second example:

ProQuest Cite tool with url

Example with url:

ProQuest Cite tool with url

Step 3

Copy and paste the reference into your document. Note, you will still need to add your in-text citation separately.

Step 4

Check the reference is correct (refer to a guide), and amend if needed.

Last modified: Thursday, 11 July 2019, 2:00 PM