1. Interactive with multiple tries
      In the quiz settings, go to the Question behaviour section and in the How questions behave field, select Interactive with multiple tries from the dropdown menu.
      Lambda Newsletter - April 2020 - 4. interactive with multiple tries

      This setting allows learners to stay on a question and check their answer and then try again if it is wrong.  

    2. Review options
      For this to really work, you need to show the learner whether or not they got the answer correct.  You may also want to show Specific Feedback (see #3).
      Lambda Newsletter - April 2020 - 5. Review options

    3. Specific Feedback (optional)
      When setting up each question in this type of quiz, you will probably want to guide your learner with the Specific Feedback feature.  When building out your questions (i.e., multichoice) you can add feedback to each answer choice:
      Lambda Newsletter - April 2020 - 6. Specific Feedback

    4. Hints
      Hints are tied to the Interactive with multiple tries setting and you can add them at the bottom of the question editing page. There is space for 3 hints (three tries).  You can add more hints to add more tries.
      Lambda Newsletter - April 2020 - 7. hints

    5. Access to additional study material (optional)
      To really help out learners, you can add additional study materials and restrict them against a grade on the quiz.  Use the Restrict access feature with your additional study material and restrict it against a lower grade. If you click the eye icon to hide, then learners in the course won’t see this additional study guide unless they ‘fail’ the learning assessment.
      Lambda Newsletter - April 2020 - 8. Restrict Access

This is what the learner sees:

When a learner moves through the learning assessment, they will be able to click a Check button to see if their answer is correct:

Lambda Newsletter - April 2020 - 9. Check

Which shows both the Specific feedback (embedded with the answer option chosen) and the hint (above the Try again button).  

Lambda Newsletter - April 2020 - 10. answers

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 11:57 AM