Online study - so what's involved?

What makes a good e-learner?

  • Practice and self confidence. Online learning can be quite frightening at first.

  • Getting to know your other class members, either by attending any face to face sessions or by communicating with them online.

  • Contacting your tutor when you feel the need or as negotiated with your tutor.

  • Using technology to share, collaborate, discuss and practice.

  • Breaking your work into meaningful chunks and rewarding yourself when you have finished.

Do you think you would make a good e-Learner? Try this online quiz from Drexel University. It will rate your suitability for online learning and suggest areas you will need to may need to focus on to ensure your success. Alternatively, complete this form “Is online learning for me?” for a quick self-check.

You should be aware of your own learning style regardless of whether you are studying online or in classroom-based courses. Try this online quiz from VARK to find out more about your personal learning style.

You should also make sure you have the right equipment - see our computer specifications for NMIT Online courses.