Activity 1
Basic Tasks in Outlook
Allow 90 minutes
The set of tasks in this activity will help get you familiar with the basic functions and features of the Outlook application, especially those related to email.
There are quite a few tasks in this activity, but don't worry - most of them are quite brief.
Task 1: Overview
Work through the resources on this website, then have a go at the challenge.
Link: Welcome to Outlook on the Web
- Sign into your online version of Outlook
- Familiarise yourself with how to access the different parts of the application mentioned in the article
Task 2: Email
Work through the resources on this website, then have a go at the challenge.
Link: Using email in Outlook on the Web
Send an email to yourself with a subject line 'Practise', i.e. send it to the same email address as you are using.
Task 3: Contacts
Work through the resources on this website, then have a go at the challenge.
Link: Using Contacts and People
- Add a variety of people, including their contact information to your Contacts
- Create at least three Contacts lists and add contacts to the lists - this could include friends, family, workmates, tutors
Task 4: Message Folders
Another really handy feature of Outlook is to be able to create folders for your emails. Work through the resources on this website, then have a go at the challenge.
Link: Working with message folders
- Create a folder called 'From Me to Me'
- Create a folder for each course you are enrolled in
Task 5: Working with Emails
Work through the resources on these webpages, then have a go at the challenge.
Link: Attach files to email messages and calendar events
Link: Inbox rules
- Create an inbox rule to send emails from yourself to the 'From Me to Me' folder
- Send an email to yourself with an attachment and check that the rule above works
Task 6: Outlook on your Computer
You will find Outlook on your computer under the application name 'Outlook 2016'.
Work through the resources on this website and then have a go at the challenge.
Link: Basic tasks in Outlook
Perform some similar tasks as you have done in the previous five tasks , but this time complete them from within the Outlook 2016 application.