Topic outline
Kia ora Guest user
Welcome to CGI506 Technical Development 1, S2-20. In this course you will be developing basic skills and knowledge of programming for animation and game development and to develop custom tools and functions for a successful production pipeline.
On completion of this course you will be able to:
- Investigate and compare different programming languages used for animation, visual effects and real time applications.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of different scripting/programming languages for selected applications.
- Select and use a number of different scripting languages to achieve the desired effects and tools.
- Create custom tools to facilitate a production scenario.
Alongside the class time and your project work, you will be provided with extra learning material, videos and tasks to help you improve your skills. Work at your own pace spending roughly 4 hours a week on these.
All courses in this programme include an assessment of professionalism. Professionalism includes your active engagement in class activities, your ability to communicate with your peers and tutor, how you work in a team and more importantly how you manage your self.
Usually we cover one session per week. Note this course content and schedule, may be adjusted as we understand more about our needs as a group of learners.
Visual Graphical Node "Flow" Languages
Graphical scripting systems can be found in the CGI industry, that bridges the gap between expressing a visual thing and using traditional text based scripting notations.
An up and coming variant of Python is PyFlow as demonstrated for Maya here:
A similar approach is prevalent in a number of CGI apps. Houdini uses the "node tree" metaphor as the way to express manipulation of CGI content.
Exercise Blueprints in Unreal Engine
In Unreal Engine "Blueprints" are provided that add behaviour to your assets. The Asset is enhanced by a Blueprint script and carries that with it as you reuse that in your art work.
With your NMIT login you can use this tutorial to become familiar with Blueprints in Unreal: general introduction to Unreal Engine in developing real-time is provided in the following Essentials tutorial. From Blueprints to Blutilities
Unreal Engine provides manipulation of the Editor using Blueprints scripts that run in the editor. These "Blutilities" are useful for automating editing of a work in the editor.
Follow through the following "playlist" to gain some experience of writing and using Blutilities :
This exercise is guided by the tutor in class - there are some differences as Unreal Engine has been developed.