Course image CGI506 Technical Development 1, S2-24
Information Technology 2024

Room: G320

Course Aim

This course has the aim: developing basic skills and knowledge of programming for animation and game development and to develop custom tools and functions for a successful production pipeline. In this course we will use techniques from the following indicative content to help the learner achieve the course aim.

Not all of these will be covered in detail, they are here as a guide.

  • Introduction to programming for animation and game production

  • Introduction to Blueprints in Unreal Engine

  • Introduction to OOP – Object Oriented

  • Programming languages for VFX and game development e.g. Python, Mel

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:


Investigate and compare different programming languages used for animation, visual effects and real time applications.


Evaluate the effectiveness of different scripting/programming for selected applications.


Select and use a number of different scripting languages to achieve the desired effects and tools.


Create custom tools to facilitate a production scenario.


Basis of Assessment:

Achievement Based assessment

Methods of Assessment

Learning Outcomes

% Weighting

Project - - Designing efficient production pipeline (Technical Development)

1, 2, 4


Project-  – Using industry standard programming language to build tools for animation and game production pipeline

3, 4



1, 2, 3, 4


Transferable Skills

This course contributes towards the development of the following Core Transferable Skills categories: Self/Others- Manaakitanga, Learning to Learn, Specialist Skills, Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Literacy

Course image SDV602 Software Development 2, S2-24
Information Technology 2024

Nau mai, haere mai ki te akoranga hangarau matihiko (Welcome to this Digital Technology paper)

To broaden the students’ software development horizon by experiencing a new programming language and environment. By using a language, possibly from a different vendor and/or is aimed at a different hardware platform or environment the students will gain valuable and marketable expertise. Building on the prerequisite course(s), students will apply the learnt analysis and design methodologies to the new programming environment, and if necessary adapt them to suit the characteristics of the chosen programming language.

Outcome Guide
1 Examine and show understanding of a new programming language and identify its purpose and characteristics. a The heritage and philosophy of the programming language is explored
b The platform(s) for developing and running software applications are analysed and understood
c The characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the new programming environment are understood.
2. Demonstrate independence in the investigation and effective application of language syntax features. a The syntax of the programming language is studied and applied to problems of intermediate difficulty.
b The syntax differences between this language and an earlier one studied are understood, pitfalls and dangers of careless use are recognised.
c The accompanying (class) libraries are explored and applied to a variety of smaller projects.
3. Effectively design and implement a software project in response to the requirements of a project brief. The software produced will be of an intermediate to advanced level. a Apply the software design and development skills acquired in this and prerequisite courses to design, code and test an intermediate to advanced level project.

Ka mate koe i te paoa; kāore, he kāuta
(A job that offers a good return or promotion will make up for some difficulties or inconvenience)